Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability in Belgian Acute Stroke Patients Based on a 1-Year Follow-Up Study

Introduction: The Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MASA) is a standardized clinical swallowing examination, specifically developed as a diagnostic test for the presence of oropharyngeal dysphagia and aspiration in the early period after stroke onset. In the original validation study, cutoff scores of <178 and <170 points, respectively, for the identification of dysphagia and aspiration risk are reported. However, a literature search revealed that alternative cutoff scores for dysphagia and/or aspiration provide better diagnostic accuracy. The aim of this secondary data analysis study was to evaluate the concurrent and predictive validity of the MASA.
Methods: Data were derived from a Belgian cohort study of an acute stroke population (n = 151). The MASA total score (MASA-TS), which is the sum of weighted scores on the 24 items, was evaluated against the Fiberoptic Endoscopic Dysphagia Severity Scale (FEDSS) to assess concurrent validity. To assess predictive validity of the MASA-TS, pneumonia during hospitalization and over 1 year and mortality acted as a future criterion. Analyses included receiver operating characteristic curves and area under the curve (AUC).
Results: Diagnostic accuracy of the MASA-TS was good for dysphagia (AUC = 0.85) and for the presence of relevant aspiration risk (AUC = 0.84). Using the original cutoff scores, the MASA-TS showed perfect sensitivity (Se = 1.00) for the identification of dysphagia and aspiration but inadequate specificity (Sp) for dysphagia (Sp = 0.16) and aspiration (Sp = 0.43). After determining new MASA cutoff scores, the optimal MASA cutoff scores were ≤146 for both dysphagia and aspiration with adequate thresholds (Se = 0.71 and Sp = 0.81 for dysphagia; Se = 0.73 and Sp = 0.80 for aspiration). The MASA-TS was a significant predictor of pneumonia during hospitalization (AUC = 0.85) and 1-year follow-up (AUC = 0.86), and of mortality (AUC = 0.79).
Conclusion: The MASA-TS showed good concurrent validity with the FEDSS. Furthermore, using new cutoff scores (≤146 for the identification of dysphagia and aspiration) lead in general to more accurate diagnostic indexes. The MASA-TS is a good predictor of aspiration pneumonia during hospitalization and 1-year follow-up and of mortality.
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