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Erste Annäherung an das Phänomen Stottern
Symptomatologie, Ätiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie eines vielschichtigen Störungsbildes
2023 | Wolfgang G. Braun & Jürgen Kohler
Clinician and Patient Perception of a Voice Therapy Program Utilizing a Variably Occluded Face Mask: A Pilot Study
2023 | Gartner-Schmidt, J.L., Belsky, M.A., Awan, S. & Gillespie, A.I.
Effect of FFP2/3 Masks on Voice Range Profile Measurement and Voice Acoustics in Routine Voice Diagnostics
2023 | Ho, G.-Y., Kansy, I.K., Klavacs, K.A., Leonhard, M. & Schneider-Stickler, B.
Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Vocal Characteristics in Patients with the New Coronavirus Disease 2019
2023 | Saki, N., Zamani, P., Bayat, A., Nakakhlagh, S., Moghateli, N. & Salmanzadeh, S.
Language and Neurocognitive Impairments Associated with Hypothyroidism
2023 | Firas Alfwaress, Murtala Muhammad
Translation, Cultural Adaption, and Validation of the Persian Version of the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool
2023 | Seyede Fatemeh Alavi; Zahra Sadat Ghoreishi; Nasibeh Zanjari; Britt Frisk Pados; Roya Choopani
Verifying Efficacy of Self-Inhalation Training for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction:
Velopharyngeal closure in healthy adults during different tasks
2023 | Rika Kobayashi, Noriaki Hagiwara, Mihiro Takazawa, Nobuya Higuchi, Koichi Tsunoda
Nurturing Basic Societal Competencies in Speech-Language-Hearing Therapy Training Education: Effects of Coaching Classes
2023 | Junko Okuyama, Yoshimi Suzukamo, Fudeko Osanai, Yoshiko Nishizawa, Shin-Ichi Izumi
Fundamental Frequency Contour (Melody) of Infant Vocalizations across the First Year
2023 | Tabea Kottmann; Maren Wanner; Kathleen Wermke
Stuttering Severity Judgments by Speech-Language Pathologists of Bilingual Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter
2023 | Selma Saad Merouwe, Raymond Bertram, Sami Richa, Kurt Eggers
Pharyngeal Residue Severity and Aspiration Risk in Stroke Patient Using Fiber-Optic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing
2023 | Aliaa Sabry, Tamer Abou-Elsaad
The Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria (STAD) für Patients with Neurological Communicative Disorders: A Large-Scale, Multicenter Validation Study in Japan
2023 | Araki, K., Hirano, Y., Kozono, M., Fujitani, J. & Shimizu, E.
Musical Intervals in Infants' Spontaneous Crying over the First 4 Months of Life
2023 | Armbrüster, K., Mende, W., Gelbrich, G., Wermke, O. Götz, R. & Wermke, K.
Wohlbefinden und Selbstwirksamkeit
Zwei Grundbedingungen für gelingende Entwicklungsprozesse
2023 | Ina Eckardt & Jan Spilski
Digitale Teilhabe als Auftrag in der Logopädie
Grundlegung, Begriffsklärungen und Befragung von Praktiker*innen
2023 | Jürgen Steiner
Neue Mitarbeiter*innen erfolgreich integrieren
Onboarding als erster Baustein der Mitarbeiterführung in logopädischen Praxen
2023 | Stella Seewald, Hilke Hansen & Nicole Böhmer
KI-gestütztes Schreiben im Studium der Logopädie
Ein Beitrag über Künstliche Intelligenz, Plagiat und Clinical Reasoning
2023 | Wiebke Scharff Rethfeldt
Effects of Resistive Jaw-Opening Exercise with Elastic Resistance Bands on Suprahyoid Muscle Activation and Tongue Strangth in the Elderly: A Pilot Study
2023 | Oh, J.-C.
US Pilot Curriculum for Transitioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders from High School to College and the Workforce
2023 | Johnson, K.L.
The Many Facets of ASD in Children, Youth, and Young Adults
2023 | Cheng L.-R.L.